Regardless of which spectrum you choose to identify with neither is right or wrong, but it is important to evaluate your point of view. Do a quick temperature check. Our decisions shape our behaviors and in return create our reality. The bigger question is, are you living a life that you love? That might help you to put things into perspective just a bit. Does everything feel in place or are you still searching for it all to make sense? If so, then what do you think is missing from the puzzle for you to feel complete, happy, or satisfied?
Opportunists are people who are constantly striving for more. They thrive while seeking the unknown. Their ultimate goal is to become their best possible self and they have a clear vision for what they want to achieve in life and they are definitely not afraid of change. An opportunist doesn’t need to create a plan of action to move forward because they respond to what feels good and what makes sense in the moment. Their personal development fosters from their ability to live in the moment and improvise because it allows them to become efficient problem solvers. They are more susceptible to being flexible when it comes to their bigger picture because they are forever evolving.
When I think about a person who desires security I often think of my father. He would always tell me that he wanted to take things slow and easy and never wanted to get in too far in over his head in anything. Translation….a person who seeks security is someone who finds comfort in stability, they have boundaries and they base their life decisions upon them. They don’t like to rock the boat because having consistency in their life is the only thing that makes sense. A person with this frame of mind is also clear on what they want to achieve in their life, but they are hesitant when it comes to change. In their mind, they have a blue print for success and to veer away from that idea would be suicide for them. They admire opportunist and support their wild antics, but that is not a lifestyle they are willing to adopt. A person who seeks security is typically level headed and calm, not easily persuaded and base their decisions on facts and information. Making an informed decision is their mantra.
Opportunity and security both offer reward and risk. Some might say that opportunity offers adventure and security spells limitations. The truth is opportunity or security are two totally different mindsets and both are valid. Validation is established by a person’s life story. We all have variables in our life that help shape our opinions of the world around us. Those opinions dictate how we decipher information and ultimately make decisions.
One might say that opportunist plays life like a fiddle and lives recklessness and a person who seeks security will live a life of regret. Regardless of the mindset that you identify with I want you to consider how your state of mind is helping you reach your goals in life. Would it hurt or help you to be more conservative in your life or more flexible? Decide today what it is that you want out of life and then just go for it. You could stand to learn a thing or two from both perspectives. I encourage you to be open-minded.
You have vision for your life; so let’s make it a reality.
Your Business Systems Strategist
Wendy Nicole Anderson