How to Profit Using Questionnaires

The other day I had a Facebook “friend” direct message (dm) me requesting that I take a survey and by the way, to me, questionnaires and surveys are the same things. Just so we are on the same page.

He just asked me to take it.

He didn’t qualify why he was seeking my input and didn’t tell me how this information could benefit me in the future.

He assumed that I was a shopper because I am a woman. He failed to do market research on the people he selected for this survey.

I went ahead and decided to take a peek so see what the questionnaire consisted of and from the looks of things he wasn’t asking the right questions and the formatting was all wrong.

Now let’s break down what he did wrong and the course of actions he should have considered taking if he wanted to optimize feedback from the questionnaire.

Step 1: He failed to engage in small talk with me before asking me to do something. Icebreakers are important if you want someone to do something for you and you have not built rapport or if it has been a long time since the last time you spoke with them

Step 2: He didn’t create a sense of urgency or desire for me to HELP him. See people are willing to HELP you if you explain upfront why you are asking them to do something. People are always willing to take action if they understand what the benefit is.

Step 3: His questionnaire didn’t give the survey takers options to select other or fill in the blank. In business, we think we know what our audience wants and that can be costly. The purpose of market research is to understand what your audience needs and wants and you can not uncover that if 90% of your questionnaire is filled with leading questions that force your participant to choose an answer that is in fact that the answer. You should be asking open-ended structure questions and each survey should give the survey taker directives so that they can know what to expect and get the information back to you sooner than later.

Step 4: People rarely do things for nothing. He failed to incentivize this survey. He did not offer me an immediate benefit for helping him. Hell everyone like legal bribes. If you are going to ask people to do something for you at least offer them something that would make it worth their while.

Now you are probably scratching your head wondering. Well, how can I profit from this?

When you learn the art of asking the right questions and how to smoothly deliver your questionnaires to your audience the data you collect will help you to create products and services that people will buy because they have told you exactly what they want and why.

You can use this data to help you write better copy.

You can use this data to help you close more sales calls because now you know where your focus needs to be.

You can use this data to create the RIGHT offers.

I break down how to profit using questionnaires in my program Smart Business Success Systems it’s in Module 2 to be exact. I break down the psychology of the consumer, and I teach you how to get inside of your ideal clients head so that you can create products and services that they will buy.

Just in case you haven’t seen here is what goes down in that module:

Lesson 1: The Art of Asking The Right Questions

Lesson 2: Client Testimonial Best Practices

Lesson 3: The Buyers Psychology

Lesson 4: How to Exceed Your Clients Expectations

and that is just one module.

Whew if you want to learn how to attract and retain the RIGHT paying clients I would jump on that if I was you.

I’m curious, how have you been using surveys aka questionnaires to grow your business? What were your expectations and what was your results? What burning questions do you have about using surveys/questionnaires to grow and manage your business? and let me know. I respond back to all responses.

Leave a comment and let me know. I respond back to all responses.

Your Business Systems Strategist

Wendy Nicole Anderson


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