When starting a new chapter in your life it is easy to get overwhelmed. My father’s passing taught me a few things. For one, not to worry about things that you have no control over. To live in the moment and soak up the experience so that you can revisit it later when you most need it. The second thing I learned is quite time is good. It gives you time to clear your mind and address those emotions that leave you in a misty or confused state of mind. Oftentimes we are so busy that we don’t take the time to listen to our own thoughts. We are busy searching for answers that already lay deep inside of our sub-conscious.
Perhaps we stay busy because we are afraid of the strength that lies inside of us or we simply have just given up hope and we want to ignore our feelings to protect us from experiencing the pain of dissatisfaction. Whatever the case may be you owe it to yourself to slow down and take it easy. Take the time to address your concerns, as well as your desires.
Transformation usually comes in the midst of a new season. Of course, we are always in a rush to get something over and done with. Each season in life proposes new opportunities. Whenever you feel in despair, remember that, in due time, you will adjust and master a new skill set with a touch of patience and perseverance. You are still pushing forward for a reason. I encourage you to be fierce and follow through with whatever you have started.
In order to become your best possible self you must take the time to understand what it is that you really want. To say to yourself “I Don’t Know” is a lie. You may not be able to articulate what you want, but you know exactly how you want to feel. Here are a few questions that I want you to ask yourself this week and then meditate on them. Every week I will give you something to consider.
In order to Redefine Your Reality, you must learn to dig deep if you want to enhance the quality of your life whether it is spiritual, financial, relationship based, career, purpose, health and the list could go on.
- What do you value most?
- What are your core values? Do you even know what this means? If not, take the time to google the definition and do a little research and then do some soul searching.
- Who are you? If we meet on the street corner for 3 minutes.What would be the first thing you would share with me about yourself. What are you most proud of?
- How do you see yourself and who do you want to become? Are you happy or dissatisfied about where you are in your life at this moment in time? Take the time to evaluate your feelings to your responses.
I challenge you to…..
Live beyond the boundaries that you or others have placed over your life. Think about one thing that has consistently been on your mind. A burning desire. A passion. And just do it. Stop over thinking and take ONE step towards walking in your purpose. Maybe it is a phone call you need to make, schedule a vacation day, plan a day out with friends, go visit a family member, start journaling, work out for 30 minutes, look up new recipes, look for a new job, request a meeting with your manager, say no to something that you DO NOT want to do, un-RSVP yourself to whatever it is. Whatever it is, do it without hesitation. You will never know the outcome if you don’t take action. You are the only one who can create the life in which you envision. Satisfaction starts with YOU. Get busy and don’t look back. Redefine Your Reality.
Your Business Systems Strategist
Wendy Nicole Anderson